My Beliefs!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

In Prosaic Verse
Francis William Bessler
Laramie, Wyoming

The following is based on a song I wrote in June of 2004 called "Song Of My Divine Naturism." For this effort, I have simply put the original verses in paragraphs. Why paragraphs? Consider it an experiment. Let me leave you now to my own CREDO - in a format I call "prosaic (or paragraphic) verse." If you like it, imitate it. OK? Thanks! FWB.

My Credo:

I’m in love with Life and God as if the two are one. I have no doubt whatever that whatever is – is God’s son. God is the Divine – and Nature is God’s Prism. That’s why I call my wondrous belief “Divine Naturism."

As I watch from a window, I see a cloud go by. I’m amazed at it all and wonder how it can all be so fine. As I ponder the sun and its generous sunshine, I have no doubt in my mind that all that is – is Divine. And it is not only Life that has the spark of Divinity, you see. Even the sand must contain the wondrous mystery. For Life itself springs from the sand –
as if therein is a seed. God is present in it all – just as It is - in you and me.

People ask me, where is God? I answer “everywhere." God is not a person, but rather a Creative Presence of Infinite Care. There is nothing that can exist that can exist on its own. God is the wonderful principle by which all that is – is sown. People have this idea that when they die they will go to God; but if God is in everything, then now should begin the applause. God is not something that can only come to some of us later. It must be something that right now every single being can savor.

And God can’t be in the business of judging me and you - because a judge has to be outside of that which is viewed. God must be inside of all that is and therefore cannot be a judge. That leaves it up to each of us to live without a grudge. Judgment is only having to continue as I begin. I am my own judge and it is for me to determine what is sin. Virtue is only embracing that which sets my soul free. So I choose to love all that is

like all that is – is me.

I am asked many things, but one question is, do I have a soul? I say I don’t know for sure, but it’s only smart to act like it is so. If I do have a soul, then it can only serve as a record of me. It is then up to me to make sure that I keep that record clean. Assuming that I have a soul, it only makes sense that I fill that vessel - only with that I’d like to recover – and for me, that’s only the gentle. Surely, it is to each his own, but however we fill our soul, we will have to inherit later all that we put into our bowl.

I have but one rule that I think Jesus tried to get all to mind. It’s really not very complicated. That single rule is – Be Kind. Kindness is its own reward because by being Kind, I’m always at Peace. It doesn’t matter where I go, what I do, or who or what I meet. People tell me that you can’t be kind to those who are unkind. They say that justice demands that they must pay a price. But being unkind to the unkind only makes two who are fools. No one who is wise would ever attend such a school.

I think Jesus tried to teach Kindness to all two thousand years ago, but the rulers of the day claimed it to be an impossible way to go; and anyone who would ask it must be put up on the cross. Otherwise, society at large

would reap tremendous loss. And so it has continued down through the many, many years. Justice over Kindness has shed a jillion tears. And today, mankind still loves to go to war and fight - and find in their claimed acts of justice that which they think is right.

The beat goes on. Cruelty cannot stop until mankind stops punishing the Kind and allows the Heaven they want sometime later to be here in time. When Jesus said that Heaven is at hand, he did not mean tomorrow. If you put off until tomorrow, all you’ll gain is endless sorrow. Heaven is something that can be ours once we come to realize - that Heaven is only being aware that everything is Divine. Life itself can only be a mystery, but the results of it need never be. As the twig is bent, so it will grow – and the twig that grows is only me.

So, let me repeat:
I’m in love with Life and God as if the two are one. I have no doubt whatever that whatever is – is God’s son. God is the Divine – and Nature is God’s Prism. That’s why I call my wondrous belief “Divine Naturism."