Including Song: ONE IS ENOUGH

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


One Is Enough!

(Including Song:

One Is Enough)


Francis William Bessler

Laramie, Wyoming



Preface -



       What is your favorite number?  I think mine is one - because I see so much in terms of one - one world, one God, one Paradise, one Holy, one almost everything that is worthwhile.  I think all that is troubling in the world is in someway based on the number 2.  One side of a conflict versus the other side of a conflict.  That is really how 2 plays out; but not only 2, but from 2 to infinity.  Two simply represents any division.

       As I have offered on numerous occasions in my writing, I do not believe that Jesus believed much in the number 2 - and beyond.  Oh, he knew there are more than 1, but I think he saw the world as being one with many in it.  The emphasis for Jesus, I think, was one - and is one. 

       To paraphrase some verse in a gospel of the BIBLE, Jesus taught that "in my Father's House, there are many mansions - or rooms."  What is that "Father's House"?  It is defined, I think, in the 113th verse of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS.  There, it is written: His disciples said to Him: When will the Kingdom come?  Jesus said: It will not come by expectation; they will not say: "See, here" or "See there".  But the Kingdom of the Father is spread upon the earth and men do not see it.

       That is to say, I believe, that the "Kingdom" is "one" - and everywhere.  It is not something that is over there, but not here.  It is simply "everywhere," but unless we realize it is everywhere, then our favorite number becomes two - and beyond.  This one is better than that one.  This race is better than that one.  This land base is better - or more sacred - than that one.  Everything is divided if your favorite number is not one; and the more you insist on dividing things, the more unstable you end.

       This article will be dealing a lot with the number 10 - for the Ten Commandments - and offering that 10 is simply way too much for anyone who sees life in simple terms.  As I will be asking in a concluding song that I just wrote: Why isn't one enough?  One Commandment should be enough - if we see the world as one and see God as one IN all of that one world.  Well, it is something to think about, perhaps; and with that, I will proceed.

       I could call this article an Easter Article because I am writing it just prior to Easter.  Next Sunday, April 5th, 2015, is Easter.  Easter, for me, represents "starting over" and "getting it right" - seeing life through a new vision, so to speak.  I am glad I can share this "new vision" with you; as I wish you a HAPPY EASTER.  Let us wake up and realize that the Heaven we have believed is on some other side of the world is right here where we stand because the God that makes it Heaven is right here where we stand.  We simply have to be aware of it to realize it.

Thanks!  FWB


God - Person or Presence?


       I am a rather firm believer that Moses of Biblical fame probably existed; but I am also a firm doubter that even Moses understood the drama in which he was caught.  Do any of us really know our own particular drama?  I don't think so; but at least some of us move on as we go through life; and often we find ourselves seeing various events through different lens.

       Long time ago, I believed in a "different God" than I do now.  That is, I saw God in a completely different way than I do now.  I saw God as "He" was presented in the BIBLE - and that was pretty much as someone "like me" - a person.  You know, the man with the long gray beard and all.  There "He" was standing just outside my door and knocking on that door, asking me to let "Him" in.  Yes, God was like a gentleman who I could "let visit" if I wanted - just like I would let anyone come in who might be knocking.

       But times have changed for me - and perhaps have changed me in the process.  Now I see God in a completely different way.  I do not see God anymore as a "Person" - but rather as an "Infinite Presence."  I do not see God as a "Someone," but rather as "Something" that just happens to be everywhere and in everything.  If God is truly IN me, then, how could "He" even be a "He" in the first place?  How can one define something that is IN everything as someone who can knock and request to be let in, so to speak?

       Oh, how I have changed!  Or maybe, Oh, how I have lived to realize what I knew before - or probably knew before.  Before what?  Before I came into this wonderful incarnation in which I am so privileged to be.  I do believe that there has always been a big part of me that knew as a little kid that God is really something far different than what I was given to believe that Moses thought "He" was - or is.  Still, I was raised Catholic; and Catholics are taught from the time we can crawl that God is a "Person."

       Well, I do not believe God can be a "Person" anymore.  Now I see God in Everything and in Every Place.  Now I see myself always in Heaven because I have not released the idea that I was taught that Heaven is only being in the Presence of God.  Heaven is still that for me - just being in the Presence of God - and Being Aware of it!

       But I don't think Moses ever realized that.  I think he "expected" that God is really a Person - and consequently, he - Moses - could talk to God or with God.  That is why he went up Mount Sinai and "heard" a voice that he thought was God; and the rest, as they say, is history.  Through Moses, and all of those like Moses who believe in a Personal God, we humans have been led down a path that allows for us all to be in some needed "supervisory mode."  God - as Person - dictates; and we all must believe - and obey.




An Alternative Explanation


       But if it wasn't really God who talked with Moses on Mount Sinai, who was it?  I mean if you believe that Moses really did "hear" a voice on Mount Sinai, if it wasn't God, who was it?

       If you have been with me in previous commentaries about life, you will know by now that I believe in a "Paranormal" dimension - which is merely a dimension that allows for souls to exist without bodies.  Think of "normal" as being a soul with a body.  Think of "Paranormal" as being a soul without a body.  OK? 

       For what it's worth, I capitalize "Paranormal" because I think it is there where we souls spend most of our time.  We come and we go from incarnation to incarnation, but overall, we probably spend most of our time in between visits, so to speak.  Thus, I capitalize "Paranormal" to emphasize how important it is - though I also believe that souls go from the Paranormal to Incarnation in order to manifest ourselves in our beliefs.  We will all go to the "Paranormal" world when we pass on.  That is, when our bodies give up, we will simply pass on as souls to the Paranormal; and there we will be until we choose to incarnate - or reincarnate - again.

       But think about that proposition for a minute if you will.  What is that to say if it is true?  Try this on for size.  When we pass forward into the Paranormal, what will we lose - in addition to our bodies?  Will I continue to be Francis William Bessler, for instance, or will I be someone else?

       The way I see it, when I pass, Francis William Bessler will simply cease to exist as an identity.  It - not he - will continue to exist as a soul, but not as a person.  It is having a body that allows Francis William Bessler to exist as a person; but without a body, the "person" that was Francis William Bessler will simply cease to exist.  No more an identity - just a soul capable of allowing for an identity.  When that soul comes back into life in another body, then another identity will take over, but it will not likely be tied to anyone called Francis William Bessler, that is, in name.  Will it?

       What is that to say, again, if it is true?  I will become an "I Am."  No more Francis William Bessler - just a soul that could be considered to be an "I am" - or an "I exist," but without a body or personality or identity.  Who are you, Soul, that once occupied a person called Francis William Bessler?  I don't know - just a soul, I guess.  Just something without an identity.

       Now, let us get back to Moses.  Moses claimed that the voice that spoke to him claimed to be someone - or something - without an identity.  Voila - someone like me, for instance - one without an identity when I pass on; but if I do not know of a Paranormal when a voice might speak to me - or through me - then I could get it all wrong.  Couldn't I?  Thus, though a voice might have called itself an "I am," in not knowing what an "I am" is, then I could conclude that such an "I am" is really God; and I think that is exactly what happened to Moses.

       In other words, Moses probably connected with an "I am" - without an identity - on Mount Sinai - and then proceeded to tell all his people that he had spoken with God; however it is completely possible - and I think, probable - that the "I am" with whom Moses spoke wanted Moses to think he was really God. 


Paranormal Deception


       In fact, the "I am" that spoke to Moses did claim to be God; and, of course, Moses believed it.  The incident of the "I am" of Moses claiming to be God came earlier than Mount Sinai and the offering of the so called Ten Commandments, but in Exodus 3:14, while Moses was still in Egypt and before the exodus from Egypt, it is written: And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.

       So, it is clear that the "I am" of Moses wanted Moses to believe he - or it - was also God.  It was not just imagination on the part of Moses that he was to believe he was connected with God.   The "I am" of Moses wanted Moses to believe it too.

        I once believed it too; but no longer.  Like I say, My God cannot be a "Person" to talk with anyone.  My God is an Infinite Presence that cannot choose one over another.  Moses, however, was not so free as "I am" now.  He was subject to deceit because he did not know God.  Anyone could come to him and claim he was God - and Moses could not but believe him because Moses believed God to be a Person.

       It is possible, of course, that I am wrong.  It is possible that God is a Person, but as I think of it now, a "person" is a body with a soul.  A soul by itself is not even a "person."  When I pass onto - or into - the Paranormal, I will cease being a "person" too; but if I do not know otherwise, when something from the Paranormal might try to connect with me, I would assume that entity is a person.

       Neither God nor me in the Paranormal, however, is a person - or can be.  Why is this important to know?  Because if one "knows" that, then one can't be "deceived" by a Paranormal entity, who claims to be God.


       I must admit that it all sounded so great - that Moses connected with God - but, for me, the dead give away that Moses could not have "connected" with God is that the god of Moses could select one over another, that is one person or one people over another.  Witness the god of Moses selecting "the children of Israel" over "the children of Egypt."  It is that selection - or claimed selection - that "betrays" the story; and it is that same selection - or kind of selection - that betrays any religion claiming to be chosen over some other, that is, by God. 

       Finite beings, of course, be they in the "normal" or "Paranormal," can choose one over another perhaps, but if God is truly INFINITE, then God must be IN all and cannot choose one over another.  How can anything "inside" of you decide to "exclude" you and still stay Infinite?  Ah, how clear it is - if we but think about it!

       Personally, I am greatly ignorant of another who claimed to be recipient of some "Godly Revelation" - the one called Mohammed of Islamic fame.  There, too, a "God" is claimed to have "selected" a so called "prophet" to deliver "God's Words" to mankind.  In that instance, "God's Words" became what is known as "The Koran."  Giving it equal status to the Jewish/Christian BIBLE, let us call it the KORAN.

       But who probably spoke with Mohammed?  Likely, another "I am" from the Paranormal; but like Moses could not imagine that his "I am" could be other than a "Person God," Mohammed was also deceived - or was likely deceived.  Again, it sounds wonderful that "God would speak to me," but given that God cannot be a "Person," it is totally unlikely that Mohammed connected at all with the TRUE GOD - which is really only INFINITY -  or EXISTENCE WITHOUT END.

       But why would the "god of Mohammed" care to deceive Mohammed to believe a lie?  The answer is obvious: to use Mohammed and any who might believe him and in him to control ignorant human beings to follow in some way that would distract them from Life Itself.  That I sincerely believe.

       Why would anyone want to do that - insist that others follow them or obey them or serve them?  The answer to that is in the open, so to speak.  Just look around.  Some need others to serve them; and some do not.  If I enslaved another or others when I was in a body, what is the likelihood that I would not do so once I passed into the Paranormal - given that I could do so in the Paranormal?  Contrary wise, if I did not need another to find worth while I was in a "normal" with body mode, then it is likely that I would not need another to find worth once I passed into the Paranormal too.  Makes sense.  Right?


Graven Images


       I am given to believe that the alleged god of Moses began his commandments on Mount Sinai with a proclamation that the "children of Israel" were not to allow any gods other than the god of Moses - and furthermore, the "children of Israel" were not to make any idols that represented anything at all - be it something in a so called Heaven or something on Earth.

       Let us review that partial agenda that the god of Moses set down.  In Exodus 2: 1-6, it is written:  And God spake all these words, saying.  I am the Lord, thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

       Why would an alleged god of some forbid the making of images?  Because an image before another might "distract" one from paying attention to an alleged god.  Why else?  Thus, images had to be forbidden in order to keep the "children of Israel" in tow.  It was as if the god of Moses did not want to allow any of his so called followers to have any notions that might distract from him - or it.  Why else would any God - or god - have forbidden the making and paying attention to images?

       Of course, that command has long since been disregarded - in practice - by the "children of Israel" and everyone else.  Personally, I can't remember when I have visited any church at all that I have not seen a "graven image" in that church.  Take the crucifix of traditional Christian churches, for instance.  Is that not a "graven image" of something?  And yet, traditional Christians have long since ignored that they should not make any graven images.

       How about the famous Sistine Chapel in Rome?  There are certainly a whole lot of "graven images" there - from the time you enter and look down to seeing the "graven images" painted on the ceiling.  Why have my fellow Christians, the Catholics, found it correct to ignore the "2nd Commandment" given to all of the "children of Israel" and all the descendents thereof - which would include all traditional Christians. 

       For what it's worth, I consider myself to be a Christian, but not a "traditional" Christian - in that I do not believe that Jesus ever taught that we must be "saved" from some sin; but I have written about that a good bit in other articles - and even, stories.  So I won't pursue the matter here.  Look elsewhere at my various writings, though, if you wish; and there is plenty on the subject. 

       Suffice it to say here, I think Jesus was perhaps the most misunderstood philosopher/mystic type in history.  In brief, I think he has been "captured" or "kidnapped" by a whole lot of thinkers who simply used - and use - him in their own way to carve a niche for themselves.  Enough said!


       What is my point in this article, though?  I guess it is to say that personally I love "graven images" of things and have long admired such images - not as distractions from some sacred truth, but as reminders and reflections of sacred truths; however, to be honest, in "disobeying" the 2nd Commandment given to Moses, I have realized that any commandment given to Moses or any of us should bear the test of reason to be followed.  Never mind marching to some beat of some commandment - or set of commandments - when in reality, those commandments have been proven to be unreasonable - and even have been proven to be null and void, so to speak, by lack of practice.

       For example, how about the long ignored "11th Commandment"?  That is the one that commanded the "children of Israel" to make an altar, but not one built out of "hewn stone."  This "god of Moses" even prescribed attention to all things in detail.  He was not satisfied to let the people decide anything.  Again, though, time has "renounced" the "11th Commandment" - and practically most of the commandments given to Moses.

       For what it's worth, I would like to point out that it is not true that the god of Moses issued just "10" commandments.  If you don't believe it, review for yourself.  Go to Exodus of the BIBLE and review from chapters 20 to 31.  Wow!  Ten Commandments become something like 250 or so.  But who knows of - or pays attention to - the last 240?  Amazing!  There is probably more than 250, too; but let me say that there is probably at least 250.  OK?  If you want, count them for yourself, if such is useful.

       But let us review the "11th Commandment."  In Exodus 20 24-26, it is written: An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep and thy oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.  An if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it out of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.  Neither shalt thy go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.

       For what it's worth, that last line of the "11th Commandment" is very interesting indeed.  I wonder how many have noticed anything peculiar about it.  It implies that the "god of Moses" wanted his "priest" to offer a sacrifice to him in the nude, so to speak.  Isn't that what "naked" means? 

       Consider the implication of someone going up the steps to an altar naked, but that no one should see him in that nakedness.  What an interesting story - or byline - to a commandment.  You must go naked to offer me a sacrifice, but no one should see you naked.  Thus, you must not build any steps to the altar or others may see you naked as you go up the steps.  Absolutely crazy, but it tells a lot, I think; and I might speculate on that in another article sometime later.  It is certainly a very interesting twist, I must admit.  Agree?  Why would the "god of Moses" find it worth while to have a "priest" offer sacrifice to him in the nude?  Very interesting indeed.

        Amazingly, though, to continue here, people caught up in thinking they have to "obey" some god or other to have any meaning in life pay no attention to the 2nd Commandment of allowing no graven images of anything - nor to the "11th Commandment" requiring sacrifice in some detailed fashion; and yet they hold fast to the idea that "The Ten Commandments" must be obeyed.  Not one of them "obeys" them all - be it the first 10 or the last 240 - yet so many of them declare that we all must obey them.  Personally, I would call that ludicrous.  Wouldn't you?


Wonderful Images!


       Just a side thought or two about that "graven images" matter.  Not only do we humans love graven images, we depend on them.  At least I do.  How about  you?  Graven images come in all forms, don't they?  And every single one of us uses them to teach ourselves whatever it is we want to be taught.  One of my favorite graven images, for instance, is the fantastic sculpture of Michelangelo called David.  Thank God for Michelangelo and his "nude" or "naked" David.

       There he is in all his splendor - which is also my own splendor - and your splendor too.  There he is in all his "sameness" - there to tell me that all men are the same.  What a wonderful lesson!  Be proud of who you are because you are like David.  Love your life as it is - because you are like David.  At least that is what David - a graven image by Michelangelo - tells me.  I even have a replicate of David in my living room - and a picture of David on my wall.  I suppose when I pass into the Paranormal, a kind of David will be there to greet me.  If so, it won't be David by name because no one in the Paranormal has a name, but by whatever form it presents itself, I will recognize it - or probably will.

       But that is my choice - David - and images both male and female like David.  I have lived my entire life being a David, simply by acting in life like David acted - and acts - in sculpture form.  If there is anything that I know, it is that David is not one to shun and forbid in my life, but rather is one to emulate.  Thanks, David!  And thank you, Michelangelo, for David!


Not 10 or 250 - Just 1!


       Of course, it is to each, his or her own, but I think I could reduce all of the commandments needed to respect life and truly Honor God to just 1 - LOVE LIFE!  Jesus, I'm told, made it 2 - to love God with all your heart and soul and to love one another.  Well, that 2 is really just 1 - as I see it.  How about you?

       Does not LOVE LIFE say it all?  I mean if you really do love life - all life - and respect all life for being Divine or Worthy, isn't 1 enough?  Why enumerate more?  Who would need more than 1?

       Of course, the answer to that is "anyone who wants to control another."  That's who.  One is not enough for anyone who wants to control another or impose on another or insist that another fall in line with some assumed commandment. 

       It's easy - or should be easy, though!  Just live your life on your own, knowing that you are now a "person" to do that.  You came into an incarnation because you considered a body to be useful.  Alright, pay attention to your body.  Love it because to love it is to LOVE LIFE.  Why isn't that enough?  You tell me!

        Personally, I believe that Jesus would agree 1 is enough; but why does not all his "traditional" followers agree?  I think it is because 1 does not allow for any control.  Those who want - or need - to control others argue that it can't be as simple as that.  That is why in reality, it is the more the better - the more the rules and the more the laws and the more the restrictions on loving life, the better it is for all.

       The god of Moses would certainly agree - as would the god of Mohammed.  Where would they be if there is only 1 commandment?  Who could cut off his brother's head if there is only 1 commandment?  Who could go to war and wipe out a whole community if there is but 1 commandment?  Who could be satisfied with life if there is but 1 commandment - simply to love life as it is and ask for nothing more?

       Let me finish by asking that question in a verse or song.  Why isn't 1 enough?  You tell me!


      Until next time,


      Your Bella Vita Host,


      Francis William Bessler - temporarily, a person!



One Is Enough!


Francis William Bessler

Laramie, Wyoming



One Commandment is enough,

don't you agree?

Why would you need any more?

Just LOVE LIFE as a gift

and be thankful for all you have

and you will be happy, for sure.


One Commandment is enough,

it seems to me.

More would only complicate.

Let me love what I am,

praising God in the deed.

Now,  wouldn't that be great?

and never have to compensate.



One Commandment is enough,

if that one

is to love all of Life as Divine.

Take a look at the one

who is before you now

and know that one is fine.


One Commandment is enough

if we lack sneers

that would put another in tow.

Just let another decide

for him or herself

what they may choose to know.


One Commandment is enough

if we embrace

the one thing that we call Life.

It's easy you know

if all Life is seen as one,

then there could be no strife.


Indeed -

One Commandment is enough,

don't you agree?

Why would you need any more?

Just LOVE LIFE as a gift

and be thankful for all you have

and you will be happy, for sure.


One Commandment is enough.

I do agree?

Why would I need any more?

Let me LOVE LIFE as a gift

and be thankful for all I have

and I will be happy, for sure.