The Tale of a Sunflower

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013


(Part 2 of 2)


Francis William Bessler

Laramie, Wyoming

October 12th, 2013


The Dismissal of Jesus


Why was Jesus killed? I think he was killed because he “opposed the laws of Moses”? That is dangerous territory - to be a Jew and oppose the tradition of Jews; but I think that is what Jesus did - and that is why some of his fellow Jews were happy to see him dismissed.

You won’t find that in the so called “Christian scriptures,” though, because those scriptures were written by Jews - and written by Jews who were intent on holding on to their traditions. So they tell the story that Jesus entered a Jewish temple and overturned the tables of the money changers in anger to suggest that Jesus opposed - not Moses - but an incorrect use of Moses. In the end, Moses is upheld - not dismissed - as I think Jesus was intent on doing.

Of course, that is a personal opinion; but from what I have gathered about Jesus, he “probably” taught that “Heaven is at hand” - meaning here and now. That would have gone completely contrary to the views of the Jewish authorities of the time that depended upon “Heaven being remote” - so they could use the “promise of Heaven” as a way to control their people. And, of course, it goes completely contrary to current views of Jesus that have him being the way to a Heaven someplace else - or at least, to a Heaven not here and now.

But therein is the power of tradition. It is like a huge swamp that can swallow any truth and make whatever truth it wants out of any story - including one like Jesus. Jesus simply became a “substitute for Moses” rather than a “challenger of Moses.” Why? Because those who believed that the tradition of Moses was legitimate were the same ones who relayed the story of Jesus; but in making Jesus a part of a tradition he actually opposed - or may have actually opposed - we have lost sight of the “real Jesus.” That, I believe.

The reality of the new tradition of most Christians is that in believing that Moses was a true hero of God, they have simply made Jesus a “new Moses.” The Jesus I know would never have approved of finding Heaven anywhere but within - simply because “within” is part of “everywhere.” How could God not be “within” if God is “everywhere”? The Jesus I know would never have approved of anyone needing to “sacrifice” some animal to please God - and that is exactly what Moses did. His Heaven was not within (or everywhere) - but a present to be for those who obeyed some outside commandment - whatever that commandment might be.

But what did the “new Jews” - the Christians do? They approved of the idea of sacrifice - instituted by Moses - and then turned Jesus into a sacrifice - and turned themselves into sacrifices too because if their leader was a sacrifice, so also must be all the followers. In truth, Jesus probably opposed the idea of sacrifice because it makes no sense to have to “sacrifice” to please a God that is already within, but because his followers were lost within their own tradition, they made Jesus into what he opposed - or may have opposed. Again, that just goes to show the great corruptibility of tradition.

If I may, though many traditional Jews and Christians would pay it no mind, one of the final verses of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS at least implies that Jesus may have taught that Heaven is Imminent - and not remote as many who teach Jesus would have us believe. In Verse 113 (of 114) of that gospel, it is stated: His disciples said to Him: When will the Kingdom come? Jesus said: It will not come by expectation; they will not say” “See, here” or “See, there.” But the Kingdom of the Father is spread upon the earth and men do not see it.

I offer this only to declare that some who wrote about Jesus would not have made Heaven a “membership” thing as did apostles Peter and John - but rather a “presence” thing; and let that be a little evidence that I might be right that Jesus was not about membership - but attitude. Heaven is already here because God is “spread upon the earth.” It is not for us to find Heaven elsewhere, but recognize it is right where we are - because God is where we are.


Did Jesus want to die? No! But he was killed to be an example of what should happen to one who would oppose tradition. He was not killed to be a “sacrifice” to any God because there is no Personal God to be impressed with such an act. But the precursors of Jesus believed there is a Personal God and they believed that such a “Personal God” can be impressed; and so they created temples to do just that.

Again, that is all consequence to an “IGNORANCE OF INFINITY.” If one is ignorant of Infinity - and an Infinite Existence - then one can lead himself to believe that there is a “Personal God” that can exist here or there within a reality that has an end. A personal God makes sense in such a “creation,” but a personal God makes no sense within an Infinite Existence that includes Creation.

If Existence is really Infinite and there is no end to it, how can there be a Personal God marching about somehow within Infinity? How can Infinite Reality - which I now think of as “God” - be also a Personal Reality when the very definition of “person” is something that is limited? How can God be a “person” when it is impossible that God can be limited?

Anyway, there it is - an explanation of how tradition itself - or any tradition - can be “misguided.” When reality itself is not taken into consideration, any “truth” can be decided - and so it is with all traditions of which I am aware. Traditions are based on concepts of existence; and if one’s concept of existence is wrong, then so also is any tradition based upon that concept. So has gone the world of yesteryear; and so goes the world today.


A Simple Sunflower


I can know the truth, however, and find truth simply by looking at reality. I said at the outset that I think the truth is in everything - but by “everything” I mean all that is in Nature - that does not see itself as opposed to Nature. That is the condition. “Everything” does not include that which is opposed to Nature - or sees itself as opposed to Nature. From such views of opposition to Nature comes the many traditions that I have already disclaimed as being sources of any worthwhile truth.

A few days ago, I removed the sunflower plants that earlier graced my yard. I removed them because it was time for them to die. I will plant them again - or seeds from them - when it is time for them to live again next Spring. But in one sunflower is more truth than all the so called truth that mankind has ever claimed to know - or all the traditions of mankind who have chosen to deny the worth of a sunflower - or the worth of anything.

Look at a sunflower - and therein is the Universe Itself. In every living thing, there is a reflection of all that is. If I want to find the truth of me, then, I should look at a sunflower - and be amazed - not only at the sunflower and its beauty - but at myself for being like a sunflower. Am I not as beautiful as a sunflower?

In one sunflower, I can find that Precious Infinity in which I have to come to believe. It just makes sense. There is no presence in a sunflower of so called “good” and “evil.” If so, where would the good end and the evil begin? But as it is in one sunflower, so also is it in the Entire Universe because, at least in my opinion, every entity in Creation reflects Creation itself. You cannot divide a sunflower into good and evil parts; and because a sunflower is a reflection of all existence, then neither can you really divide anything in existence into good and evil parts.

I said that I removed my sunflower plants because it was time for them to die, but what does death really mean for a sunflower? Again, just observe the truth. The seeds of that sunflower will allow the sunflower to “live again” - and so it is with anything that lives - including me - and you. As the sunflower lived in this season, it will live again next season; but it will live again only as a sunflower and not something else. It will not come up out of the ground as a rose or dandelion or a gladiola. Will it?

Why should I take comfort in the truth that a sunflower will again be another sunflower? Because it tells me that I will be the same as I was too. Whatever it was that I chose to be in this life, it is likely I will return as that same thing in the next life - that is, in terms of attitude.

As I have argued in other articles, I don’t think I take anything with me when I die, except my attitude. I will have left my brain behind upon death and therefore I will have no memory. I will have left my body behind and therefore I will have no body - to do anything with - be it boss or be bossed. All I will take with me is my attitude; and that is why living in fair attitude is the single most important thing I can do in life. In a way, my attitude is the ONLY THING I can take with me when I die. So, why not emphasize attitude while I live and take that with me?

If I want to be kind in a next life - when I do find myself in another body - then I should be kind in this one. If I want to be a murderer in a next life, then let me plan for that by being that in this life. If I want to be a judge in the next life, hey, let me practice now to be a judge. If I think that outside law should drive the next life, let me be a legislator in this one. Practice makes perfect, as they say. Right? Whatever I choose to be as a soul in this life, however, I will probably repeat it in the next life. That is the likelihood of my existence - if, in fact, there is something about me that lives on.

When people tell me that I won’t live on as a soul, I ask them, how, then, as a soul, did I come into this world - assuming I do have a soul, of course? From where did my attitude about life originate? The sunflower did not just begin from nothing in this season. It came from the seeds of a last life. Why, then, should I believe that I did not come from a last life? Did I just poof into existence this time? That is, did my soul just poof into existence? That goes contrary to all that I see in this life. Nothing comes “poof” into any existence. It always comes from something that preceded it. Why should I believe I am any different?

Who knows about the soul? We all speculate about what it is, but the truth is that none of us know for sure what it is and from where it might originate as a soul in the beginning of its life; but for what it’s worth, let me say that I have thought a lot about the soul - even as to where it originates or how it originates in the first place. Volume 2 of my OUT IN THE OPEN writings selection of my website is dedicated to the soul and ideas about the soul - including an essay composition I call UNMASKING THE SOUL. Of course, you are welcome to review that volume - or any of the 10 volumes of my writings from 1963 to 2012 - you wish. Let me just say, be my guest. OK?

Anyway, Nature provides many examples that I can imitate; and I can choose to be like anything in that great throng of entities I choose. Not everything in Nature is a sunflower that doesn’t eat other sunflowers or other flowers. There are tigers, too, that survive on eating other animals - but they have to kill those other animals first. I can be like a tiger and kill others; but if I choose to be a tiger, then it is likely I will continue to be a tiger - until I choose to change and be more like a lamb, for example.

Personally, I believe that was the basis of the message of Jesus. As we live, we will have to live again. As we reap, we will sow again. It is so plain if we just look at Nature and see how it is all true.

So, I can choose to abide by some tradition or other in this life; and more than likely, I will fall into line in a next life and become one of a tradition once again. Who knows how and where any of us will be “born again” into our next life anymore than how we were born into this life, but I am willing to bet that if I chose to live according to some tradition in this life, I will simply choose a tradition of my birth in a next life too - regardless of what that tradition might be.

Maybe I was born of Christian parents in this life - and was a Christian because of that; but maybe next time I will be born of Islamic parents. What chance will I have of “becoming Christian” in a next life? I will probably be Islamic and maybe even go to war with formerly Christian brothers. That could be the price of adhering to tradition without any effort to challenge it.

In any case, whether there is a next life or not, I think it would be wise of me to act like life is sacred and treat it accordingly. Let me look at a sunflower and know that I am no different - or that likely it is so. There is no evil in me as there is no evil in a sunflower. As a sunflower eagerly takes in life without any apology or shame for what it is, let me do the same - or be the same. Yes, indeed, a simple sunflower can tell me all I need to know - if I will just listen.

This, I Believe!



A song about

“being beautiful”



Sing It Out!


Thanks! (FWB)

I Am Beautiful

(And So Are You)

a song by

Francis William Bessler



I am beautiful

and so are you.

That, my friends,

is the wonderful truth.

Life is grand

just as it is.

Because God is in it,

we can have no sin.


I am beautiful

and so are you.

So, let me see

what I can do.

We’re all the same,

each and everyone.

Let us all act

like we’re all God’s sons.


I am beautiful

and so are you.

Let’s look around

and enjoy the view.

Everything is a miracle

because it’s all Divine.

So, let’s not be shy

and see our lives as fine.


I am beautiful

and so are you.

Look at the sunlight

to find a clue.

We are all children

of the light.

Let’s not be scared

of the night.


I am beautiful

and so are you.

Like birds in flight,

we’re spectacular too.

And like sunflowers

blooming in full array,

let us all have

a happy day.


Indeed, it’s time

to open our eyes

and see life

as delightfully fine.

It’s time to put away

all of our fears

and finally realize

what we’ve missed

through all the years.


You are beautiful

and so am I.

We have no reason

to be shy.

We are grand

because we were made

to march proud

in life’s grand parade.


You are beautiful

and so am I.

Within us all,

life does abide.

Let’s be proud

and each other embrace

and look at each other

face to face.


Yes, let’s be proud

and each other embrace

and enjoy one another

face to face.

Don’t be shy.

Know of your worth

and let’s find Paradise

on this Earth.


Yes, let’s find Paradise

on this Earth.

Let’s find Paradise

on this Earth.